Bing Image Downloader

Simple command line application which will retrieve the latest set of Bing images.

Images are downloaded from Bing directly at:{Culture} E.g.

Bing Countries

The app will attempt to use every known culture code to get images.

This does result in a lot of duplicate URLs, but the app is also designed to prevent this causing issues!

On Your Mobile

Automate flow will update your phone daily


Usage: BingImageDownload [options]

  -p|--path <PATH>         The path to where images should be saved (Default: Home Path)
  -a|--archive <VALUE>     The number of months to archive after (Default: 1)
  -d|--delete <VALUE>      The number of months to delete after (Default: never)
  -r|--resolution <VALUE>  The resolution for images (HD,FHD,UHD) (Default: FHD)
  -?|-h|--help             Show help information.

You can setup an automated scheduled task in windows to run the dotnet tool daily to get more images.

Setup you desktop background on the save folder & enjoy auto changing Bing images on your desktop!